Despite some skepticism and uncertainty that accompanied me when making the decision to go in that direction, I was finally convinced by the mix of breathtaking views, hospitable inhabitants, oriental beauty of local women and exotic Mediterranean flora and fauna. For this reason, I would like to take you there at the beginning. Are you ready for a real adventure? Do you want to get to know Turkey that lies far away from colorful tourist folders? If so, you've come to the right place.

Time to start packing your backpack...


See you soon! Görüşürüz!

After that, I set out for the mountains of Bulgaria. Already there I had my first major contact with the Turkish population, who inhabited the local lands in large numbers. I received a sample of the hospitality and openness of the Turks, which I was to experience for good only in the following year, when I was going to Asia Minor. Although the above-mentioned features are nothing unusual for people who venture into the mountains or other remote places on the globe, in Turkey I experienced them to a degree never seen anywhere else. An invitation for a tea, which Turks drink in hectoliters, or a meal to be able to ask a newcomer with a backpack about everything, was a daily bread for me there. Even if sometimes such a conversation could hardly go beyond the realm of smiles and simple gestures. Turks are incredibly proud of their country and its beauty. But I think they care even more about making us - visitors - feel comfortable and friendly in here.

This latest escapade turned out to be another breakthrough that prompted me to finally take steps towards a concept that first arose in my mind a few years ago. Namely, I wanted to make travel and mountain trips a way of life, and at the same time share with others the beauty of places and landscapes that made such a great impression on me. The first time I started thinking about it more seriously after the end of the march through the Apennines at the end of 2019, but soon the world was paralyzed to a large extent by the coronavirus. However, I decided that what is delayed is inescapable and I patiently waited for the return to normality.


2023 by Moon and Star 

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+48 726 037 773

Trekking tours in Turkey

Moon and Star

Marcin Majchrowski


I was born on January 26, 1981 in Białystok, Poland. I grew up mainly in Grudziądz. I studied in Poznań, with a six-month episode in the Czech Pilsen as part of the Erasmus student exchange program. I have worked in England for many years. Despite these relatively lowland locations, I fell in love with the mountains, which I got to know in my early teenage years. Starting from 2015, when I decided to cross the Carpathian Arch, I specialize in long-distance mountain expeditions. I devoted a hundred days of my life to this adventure and... I got so into it that there was no turning back. This expedition was my first undertaking of this size.

Then came the time for over four months in Patagonia (South American summer 2016/2017), marching through Spain from east to west, connecting its two extreme capes and using long-distance routes - Pyrenean HRP and Camino de Santiago (European summer 2017), Apennines along the entire length from north to south (summer/autumn 2019), a loop through the mountains of Bulgaria (summer/autumn 2021) and finally a two and a half month trip to the mountains of Turkey in summer and autumn 2022.

About me


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